Darbhanga Transport department goes Hi-tech with E-Challan for traffic violations

by DarbhangaOnline Buero
01 Mar 2020

01.03.2020(Darbhanga): Transport department officials equipped with hand held devices are now issuing E-Challans for traffic related violations in Darbhanga district. However as per the information only 4-devices are available as of now.

Laheriasarai MVI and ESI department officials issued multiple Challans to the traffic violators during checking on Wednesday. With the hand held devices it is much more easy to spontaneously track the history of Vehicles and update status to the central transport systems. The devices are capable of showing information to the officials if there were any violations in the past and their status as well as allows the officials to flag red the violations.

Next time vehicle owner reaches to Transport Office for any work, the central system would flag the violations if any pending and would not allow to proceed.

Introduction of technology and connectivity for these operations and adaptability by the Government departments are a welcome step.

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