Darbhanga Child Rape Case - Culprit arrested, demand of Speedy Trial grows

by DarbhangaOnline Buero
08 Dec 2019

08.12.2019(Darbhanga): There is no respite from the heinous crimes committed against women and child. The headlines of protest in the whole country against Hyderabad Vet Doc rape and killing case, and encounter has not even died down when the news of another rape surfaced in Darbhanga Sadar Police Station area. This time the victim, a five year old girl.

The predator, a autorikshaw driver lured a five year old girl, took him to a deserted place and raped her. The girl has been recovered in seriously injured state and currently being treated in District Medical College Hospital (DMCH).Her condition said to be stable.

Police acting immediately on the case arrested the auto driver within hours. City SP Yogendra Kumar promised that case will be taken though speedy trial and the culprit will be bring to justice.

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