Eye treatment camp at Lahan Hospital by Rotary Club

by Manish Kumar Sinha
23 November 2014, Darbhanga

Darbhanga Rotary Club Eye Camp Cataract Operation, Lahan Hospital by Eye specialist Dr. Jitendar Kumar

Rotary club on 23rd November 2014 organized free of cost eye cataract operation at Lahan Hospital, Darbhagna to help economically weak people. Few weeks back in a similar initiative Rotary Club had organized free health check up camp at Chataria in which 30 people were advised for eye operation after diagnosis but only 12 people turned up.

Rotary club facilitated the operation at the clinic of eye specialist Dr. Jitendar Kumar. Among other assistance patients were also provided with free stay, food and blanket.

Darbhanga Rotary Club President Mr. S.h. Ali, Rotarian Rajesh kr. Jaiswal , Past president Alok kumar were present there.