New SSP Ajit Kumar Satyarthi takes charge, promises better policing

by DarbhangaOnline Buero
08 May 2015

New SSP Ajit Kumar Satyarthi takes charge, promises better policing

Ajit Kumar Satyarthi took charge as SSP Darbhanga due to sudden transfer of Manu Maharaj. During the address to the media he outlined the priorities and promised to employ different measures to control crime and maintain law and order situation in Darbhanga.

Expectations are high from the new SSP as the work done by outgoing SSP Manu Maharaj is well received and appreciated by the people of Darbhanga. During his short stint he manages to start multiple measures to maintain law and order, vigilance and traffic awareness.

In response to correspondent Manish Kumar's query about continuing the initiatives started by former SSP Manu Maharaj using technology and community policing as a tool to control crime, Ajit Kumar Satyarthi praised former SSP effort and said he will continue and if needed would try to make it more better.

Answering to another question from correspondent he said that the role of media is important and would like to work together to make the city a better place.