Children fell ill after eating sweets at Independence Day celebration

Source: District Administration Office
by DarbhangaOnline Buero
15 Aug 2015

Children fell ill after eating sweets at Independence Day celebration

Two hundred fifteen people including mostly children fell ill after eating sweets distributed at Panchayat Bhawan, ranipur ( Dist Darbhanga ). They have been admitted to Darbhanga Medical College Hospital (DMCH). So far 151 have been discharged after giving them proper medical care. As per the report condition of admitted people are stable and out of danger.

Senior district administration officers are camping in DMCH for last 5 hours including SSP/ DDC/superintendent/ principal/HoD. It was a tough situation as DMCH is not equipped to deal with such numbers and many were vomiting intermittently. Due to Grace of God and district administration experience in handling disaster helped in saving precious lives.

All discharged patients are being provided ambulances/vehicles to return to their homes.

Police will lodge FIR and SDO sadar shall conduct magistrate enquiry into the incident.

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